Postcode Finder


Postcode Finder
(Covers Victoria)

Postcode or:


Postcode Finder Instructions

Enter into Postcode Finder either a four digit postcode or three or more letters of the start of the location and press Submit.

Postcode Finder Results

For a postcode Postcode Finder returns the location/s for the entered postcode.

For three or more letters Postcode Finder returns the location/s which match the letters entered


Postcode Finder Tips

  • For a postcode four numbers are required as postcodes in Australia are four digits long.
  • For a location three or more letters are required. The more letters you enter the less results returned by Postcode Finder.
  • If you make a spelling mistake, don't enter enough or too many digits, or there's no matching postcodes or locations, Postcode Finder will return a message.
  • For Postcode Finder whether you use upper case, lower case, or mixed case doesn't matter. The result will be the same.
  • Currently Postcode Finder only returns results for Victoria. The web apps I write are for my own use and made available for others. Since I live in Victoria and could find appropriately licensed data, it made sense to start with Victoria. If I find there's sufficient interest in the Postcode Finder for other states I'll research to find ways to add other states. The best way to let me know you're interested in other states is to enter the postcode or location. You'll get a result not found message, but you'll have flagged your interest to me, which is appreciated.


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Postcode Finder comes with no warranty expressed or implied. Postcode Finder is only for informational purposes and is not guaranteed to be error free. The information on this page is not intended to be advice. Postcode Finder uses data found on the website.


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