megabits to megabytes calculator

  Mbps to Time | Mb to MB | MB / hr

Megabits per second to Megabytes
(Mbps to MB)

Mbps (Megabits per second):

MB (Megabytes):

Time (h:m:s): 00:00:00

Also available Megabit to Megabyte
and Megabytes per hour


Megabits per second to Megabytes (Mbps to MB) instructions

Megabits to Megabytes provides three tools which you can select from the menu.

This calculator provides the ability to work out how long it will take to upload or download a file of a given number of megabytes (MB) in size, for an upload or download speed in megabits per second (Mbps).

People uploading videos to services such as YouTube often feel their videos upload slowly but don't know why. The calculator on this page will help you understand why it takes so long to upload a large video file to an internet service.

To convert Megabits to Megabytes select the Mb to MB in the menu above.

To find out how many megabytes per hour can be uploaded or downloaded select the MB per hour menu option


Mbps (Megabits per second)

Mbps is the speed of your internet service. This can be the upload or download speed depending on what you want to measure. To find out your internet speed using the speed tool available from Netflix at

MB (Megabytes)

Megabytes is the size of your file. If you're uploading a file you can get the size by checking the properties of the file. If you're downloading a file the site providing the file may or may not provide the size. If the file is in gigabytes, multiply the number by 1,024, and if the size of the file is in kilobytes, divide the number by 1,024. Since this is only an approximate result it should be sufficient to multiply or divide by 1,000.


Time is the amount of time it is estimate it will take to upload or download the file given the size of the file and the speed of your service. The time is given in hours, minutes and seconds.


Consider calculations as estimates

Whilst this calculator will do an accurate calculation, in the real world there's quite a few things that means you should only consider the calculation result as an estimate.

  • The signal strength can vary over time affecting the upload speed.
  • The performance of the device your using can vary based on what's running.
  • The size of the file shown by the operating system in GB doesn't match the number of bytes.

What's important though is this calculator gives you an estimate of the time it will take to upload a file and that in itself can be very handy.


The Megabits to Megabytes calculator comes with no warranty expressed or implied. The Megabits to Megabytes calculator is only for informational purposes and is not guaranteed to be error free. The information on this page is not intended to be advice.


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