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Compare Electricity Plans Calculator

Daily rate $:

Usage rate $:

Solar kWh:
Solar rebate $:

Total $: 0.00



Compare Electricity Plans Calculator instructions

Every year, in fact multiple times a year, I look at other providers' electricity plans to work out if my current provider is still giving me good value for money, or whether I should think about changing. I'm happy not to change for a few dollars, but at some point, the change may be worth it.

Enter the values into the calculator for your current electricity provider, note the total and repeat the calculation for each of the other providers you're considering. Then see if you'll be better or worse off with a different provider.

Note that when entering the money amounts, some bills show the rates in dollars and some show the rates in cents. This calculator requires the amounts to be entered in dollars. So, if your daily rate to the property is quoted as say 90.5c/day, then enter this amount as 0.905. Include as many decimals as shown.



The Compare Electricity Plans calculator comes with no warranty expressed or implied. The Compare Electricity Plans calculator is only for informational purposes and is not guaranteed to be error free. The information on this page is not intended to be advice.


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